Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to 4 should be simple, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 4.
DatabaseMetaData getVersionColumns implemented.DatabaseMetaData getPseudoColumns implemented.Firebird 4 statement timeout support (since Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2).
The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4. Jaybird 4 is - compared to Jaybird 3 - an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. * The version depends on your target Java version: 4.0.3.java11, 4.0.3.java8, or 4.0.3.java7 The release is also available on maven(*): See the full release notes for more information. Jaybird 4.0.3 is the third maintenance release of Jaybird 4.